What is Plant-Based Eating and Why It's a Great Option for Your Health

When it comes to food, everyone has their own personal preference. However, one that is here to stay is plant-based eating. This trend has been steadily growing in popularity for good reason. It can easily be confused with a vegan or vegetarian diet, but it focuses on cutting down on the amount of red meat you eat and increasing your intake of vegetables and fruits. There are numerous benefits associated with following a plant-based diet, including reducing your risk of developing heart disease, lowering your cholesterol levels, and losing weight more easily than if you were to follow another diet plan. Here is everything you need to know about plant-based eating.

What is Plant-Based Eating?

A plant-based diet, also called a whole food plant-based diet, is one in which the majority of the diet is made up of unprocessed, whole plant foods. Plant-based foods include vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and legumes (beans). Animal products are not included in a plant-based diet. A plant-based diet can be followed by anyone who is looking to improve their health as well as follow a more environmentally friendly way of nutrition.

The Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

There are many benefits associated with following a plant-based diet. These include lower cholesterol levels, weight loss, a reduced risk of heart disease, and a lower risk of diabetes. Let’s take a look at these benefits in more detail below.

Heart Disease - A plant-based diet has been proven to reduce your risk of developing heart disease by as much as 52%. This is because it is high in vitamins and minerals like magnesium, potassium, and fiber, all of which help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol - A plant-based diet can also reduce your cholesterol levels. This is a significant benefit, as high cholesterol levels can cause heart disease and even lead to a heart attack. A plant-based diet can significantly reduce your cholesterol levels by as much as almost 10%.

Weight Loss - A plant-based diet has also been proven to be an excellent way to lose weight. This is because it is high in fiber and low in fat. High-fiber foods are known for their ability to speed up the digestive process and help you feel fuller for longer. Low-fat foods, such as those found in a plant-based diet, are also known for their ability to help you lose weight.

Diabetes - A plant-based diet has also been proven to reduce the risk of developing diabetes. This is because the majority of foods included in a plant-based diet are high in complex carbohydrates and low in fat.

How Cafe Gratitude Helps This Process

If you are interested in starting a plant-based diet, looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle, or even looking to improve your current plant-based eating, you should check out the weekly options that we offer regarding our subscription-based meal plans. For breakfast, how does our "I Am Friendly" chia seed pudding with hemp milk and berries sound? We make it easy and delicious.

3 Tips for Maintaining a Plant-Based Diet

The key to maintaining a healthy plant-based diet is to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need, which we can help with. Make sure you are eating enough calories. Many people who are cutting down on the amount of fat and animal products in their diet tend to take in too few calories along with it. Second to this, make sure you are getting enough protein. Protein is important for your health and for building muscle. You can get plenty of protein in your diet by eating foods such as beans, broccoli, and nuts. Also, don’t forget to drink your water!

Bottom line

A plant-based diet is an excellent way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It has been proven to reduce your risk of developing heart disease, lower your cholesterol levels, and even help you lose weight. Here at Cafe Gratitude, we would love to be your home for all dine-in and meal plan options to efficiently facilitate your healthy plant-based lifestyle.





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